Triumph Motorcycle Parts Used to Make Household Items Rock

I really like products that are made out of stuff that most of us would never think to make them from. These new Triumph Motorcycles product prototypes are exactly what I mean.
Working for an exhibition for the

Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, designers took various parts from Triumph motorcycles and used them to make other stuff you might see around the house.

See all the photos here

My favorite item is the record player made from the brake parts. The platter for the record is a disc brake rotor, and you can see what appears to be the caliper cover on the side of the record player. The bowl made from the spokes and center hub of the wheel is really cool too.

Wine drinkers with a penchant for Triumph will like the corkscrew that is made from the grip and handle bar of the bike. This one is cool in that you pull the brake lever on the handle to make the corkscrew spin. There are a few other cool items like cutlery made from brake and clutch levers, and a floor standing mirror made from motorcycle mirrors.

Article from technabob and designboom

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