
Thursday 18 March 2010

Meet the new face of BBC MotoGP ‎

After all the new bikes and liveries, plus line-up changes, the last question all fans have been asking themselves about the 2010 MotoGP season can finally be answered - who will be presenting the BBC's MotoGP coverage?

Suzi Perry, the face of MotoGP for more than a decade, decided in the close season to step down and concentrate on other work. 

 Now, her replacement can be revealed - Jennie Gow.

"It's a dream come true," she told BBC Sport.
"It's the most amazing opportunity for anyone who's into bikes, I can't wait to meet every rider and every person involved with it - there isn't a rider I'm not looking forward to meeting."

The 32-year-old has an extensive background in newspapers, radio and television, presenting motocross and speedway, and says she is thrilled at the prospect of getting involved with the world of elite-class motorbikes.

"I've always been interested in sport in general but my first foray into sports broadcasting was with bikes, so I'm biased towards them," she added.

There were some thrilling races and battles in the 2009 campaign before Valentino Rossi ran away with the world title and Jennie cannot wait for the new campaign to start.

"There were some amazing races last year and I think it will be even better in 2010 - there are some real grudges there, and with Ben Spies coming through, there's going to be loads going on."

The move into MotoGP is a big step for Jennie - but she says it is a challenge she cannot wait to take on. She will be working in the BBC team alongside experienced commentators Charlie Cox and Steve Parrish and reporter Matt Roberts.

"I call myself an honorary biker - I've got a lot to learn, and I'm very aware of that, but hopefully the biking community will welcome me," she stated.

"I come to it from the fans' point of view - Steve and Charlie are there as the pros, I'll bring you the fans' enthusiasm.

"The globetrotting will be a first for me - I've done bits of travelling for work before but nothing as major as this, so I'll certainly be buying some new luggage, something that will last more than one flight!"
After 13 years of covering motorbike racing for the BBC, Perry took the "agonising" decision to step away from the sport.

"I am still bike racing's number one fan but the time commitments have prevented me from doing other stuff," she told Motorcycle News.
"It feels like a part of something has died. That might sound a little dramatic but that's how I feel."
Jennie knows it will be a hard act to follow.

"Suzi has been amazing with bringing on bike coverage," she said.
"She knows it inside out as she's lived it for so long. It's a massive challenge for me and I hope I can do it justice. If enthusiasm counts for anything then I've certainly got lots of it - I hope I can do a decent job for the fans."

And despite stepping into the limelight, it is not something she is particularly keen to hog.
"My style is energetic and quite chatty but this sport is all about the riders and the stories, not me. I'm there to relay it to the people who can't be there, it's about getting that sense of excitement across to those watching."

Article from BBC

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1 comment:

  1. The right choice, Intelligent, Professional and very i sound like her agent.....
